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Should you drink milk?

Milk for Strong Bones? 
Uriia Underhill, B.Sc.

I have always suffered from lactose intolerance. I have followed a Paleo type lifestyle for about two years now, as well as done research on the affects of milk on the body. Here are some interesting facts I’ve found.

Research has shown that Vitamin D has shown to have more help in lowering the risk of osteoporosis. The research points out that the countries that lack milk consumption such as Asia and Africa have the lowest rate of the disease.

Calcium but not from dairy products has the affects to prevent colon cancer, meaning we should only receive our vitamin d and calcium from a plant based fruit or vegetable form (Dr. Hyman, 2012).

A study shows that actually 75 percent of people are unable to break down lactose, a sugar found in high contents within milk.  Most mammals develop lactose intolerance after the weaning process (Mayo Clinic, 2012).


Dr. Hyman, (2012) December 31, 2012, Huffpost Healthy Living, Dairy 6 Reasons You Should Avoid it at all costs, Retrieved December 31, 2012 from http://www.huffingtonpost.com/dr-mark-hyman/dairy-free-dairy-6-reason_b_558876.html

Mayo Clinic, (2012) Lactose Intolerance, Causes, Retrieved December 31, 2012 from http://www.mayoclinic.com/health/lactose-intolerance/DS00530/DSECTION=causes



Uriia Underhill, B.Sc. 

Good pre-exercise carbohydrates include milk, cereal, bagels, spaghetti, and fruit salad. It is important to not eat a huge meal or drink excessive amounts of liquid before exercise especially if you are not used to consuming them.  During exercise it is recommended that an athlete consume 60-70 grams of carbohydrates an hour (Fink, 2009). This would include a small fruit, which would provide a quick boost of energy, however not in high amounts because they can cause the stomach to become upset. It is suggested that high glycemic index foods are consumed after a workout. These foods tend to digest quickly and go to work repairing broken down muscles as well as helping the body gain energy after exhaustion. Post exercise carbohydrate suggestions are tomato juice, dried fruits, yogurts, bagels, milk, mixed vegetable and apples. Ideal post exercise meals and snacks include anywhere from 50-100 grams of carbohydrates (Fink, 2009). Water, Juices and milk are good carbohydrate containing beverages. Carbohydrates are an important fuel for athletes because they provide quick digestible energy. Carbohydrates help to metabolize fats at fast rates that are ideal for sports performance. Carbohydrates also help your body by providing quick food for the brain, body, and muscle, which helps prevent muscle breakdown.

Fink, H., Burgoon, L., Mikesky, A., (2009) Practical Applications in Sports Nutrition, 2nd Edition, Chapter 3, Carbohydrates

WORKOUT, BE HAPPY! | Exercise | getAmazin health

Physical Fitness Matters

Some say that happiness is just a work out away and unsurprisingly there are some interesting facts that support the statement. 

Exercise and Physical activity can help you lose weight, or maintain and even build muscle mass. When you engage in an exercise you burn calories, the harder the workout the more calories are burned. You can also burn calories by engaging in household duties. These are little things that easily get replaced by watching television or mindlessly searching the web.

Little things like taking the stairs, sweeping the floors, or even dancing to music with the children can help add minutes of activity to your day. Exercise and physical activity has been shown to stimulate chemicals within the brain to actually make you feel happier and more content (MayoClinic, 2012). 

Not to mention the benefits of when you look better, you feel better, which raises self-confidence.  

Exercise and physical activity helps decrease body fat, help with heart disease, lowers blood pressure, and activates high-density lipoprotein and lowers cholesterol.  Feeling tired and run down? Well guess what? More physical activity, more energy! Exercise is proven to boost muscular strength and endurance, deliver more nutrients and oxygen to your tissues (MayoClinic, 2012).  Exercise also helps your lungs are heart work more efficiently.


MayoClinic, (2012) Exercise: 7 Benefits of Regular Physical activity. Retrieved December 22, 2012 from http://www.mayoclinic.com/health/exercise/HQ01676

Does your relationship with food directly affect your children?

Building Relationships with Food
Uriia Underhill, B.Sc.

Does your relationship with food directly affect your children? 
The article “A Review of Family Meal Influence” mentioned that eating dinner as family with at least one adult present may have a good impact on a child’s eating perspective. While I think this concept holds true to a certain degree the fact that the family may eat only package “helper” type meals will not give the child a proper understanding of fueling the body with necessary macronutrients and micronutrients. Somewhere the prescription of non processed foods in the form of vegetables, fruits, lean meats, fish and healthy fats has gotten turned into processed starches and food that only seems fit in a science experiment. Also lies a problem with the child seeing the parent’s relationship with food. If the parents believe that after every meal they should be “rewarded” with a sugary calorie dense dessert or drinking a empty calorie beverage with every meal certainly the child is programmed to deem this an acceptable even “the way” to eat. The problem I believe lies in not only the food products offered in today’s society but also the education given in the proper way to fuel a body. Even if the subject is touchy to parents now, if we have better education in the schools maybe the current trend will stop.


Woodruff, S., Hanning, R., (2008) A Review of Family Mel Influence On Adolescents Dietary Intake, Retrieved October 23, 2012

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