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#CANCER.. | Enlighten

Do I even need to write anymore? Such a touchy subject around the world however nearly every one of us have been a part of a life touched by this horrible public health epidemic.

Truthfully, this post has been sitting in my research folder for too long, inside my brain screaming to get out.

In the hallway walking, I was discussing a case of little girl we know with my husband. Another Cancer update. We talked about it. The choices we would make going back, things we would have tried different. Knowing the things we know now. The feeling of empty, horrible loss.

He looks at me and says, “I wish you would write about Cancer.” Shocked, I think I probably just stared at him for a minute. No, they don’t want to understand..

We are Human | Enlighten

We all do things wrong.
We all kill each other.
We all sin!!!
We all know right from wrong.
We are all given the right make our own decisions.

Don't let people group you with people who do wrong.

You are not them!

Dubbed one of the Dirtiest: How safe is our cotton? | Enlighten

Did you know that cotton is considered one of the world’s dirtiest crops? Why you ask?

What in the Heck, is Spirulina??! | Nourish

Speer- Ew- Leen’ Uh- is a blue green microalgae. It is a natural source of essential phytonutrient, protein, and amino acids. It is available for supplementation in flakes, pill, and powder form.

If you haven't tried it yet, maybe you should.

Fluoride | Enlighten

It is really necessary or do the risks outweigh the rewards?

Sweet Drinks versues Marijuana: Social Prespectives l Enlighten l getAmazin library

Bee Pollen and Health | Nourish


            It is that time of the year again, and that means the bees are out working hard collecting all of this beautiful pollen. I know most of you have felt its effects already, however do you know about all the nutritional benefits from pollen?

“My son, eat thou honey, for it is good” (Proverbs 24:13)

Purslane "Not your average weed" | Nourish

With spring in the air, stores are starting to bring out the best of the best in flowers, herbs, and other planting goodies but one that may not get as much attention as it should is this dear sweet "weed" Purslane. It's crisp lemony flavor is sure to make it a favorite from all who have tried it. Introduced to me by a friend a little bit ago, I found myself endlessly searching for this beloved plant this spring.

Are we are the Drug Users of our Time? | Enlighten

Is it true most American’s are now getting a fix of sugary sweet more often than needed?

Are we really addicted to “food-like” products that contain large amounts of sugar?  

Why then are we often found overindulging more than we know we should? 

The more we eat the worse the problem is. Yet, doesn’t there have to be some accountability of our own actions? 

How do we go about unlearning years of habits and desires in a blink of an eye?

Our “supply” is now everywhere we turn from the counters at the gas stations, vending machine at work and even right within the grocery store. Now more common than not mixed in with most foods on the shelves. Which used to be okay to add small amounts of sugars as an ingredient because we used to get it in such small amounts. Yet, these are all of our choices and decisions. We have been told for as long as we can remember “eat your fruits and vegetables”  and yet most still choose to look the other way when it comes to our health. And the world.

It Seems that over the time of being introduced to sugar, the weaker our ability or desire to control this indulgence became.

What seems like suddenly, sugar became a common ingredient in most foods. It was also something that more and more people felt like they needed with every meal. A once in a while on a celebration became a staple ingredient purchased frequently. Or even now thanks to convenience became something we could grab in a hurry and go sometimes replacing quality nutrition altogether. This became adults routines and now sadly that of our children.

Do we really need sugar at every meal? I am of course using the term “NEED” loosely before because many of these foods have nothing nutritionally beneficial for our bodies and often are referred to as “Empty Calories” only providing your body with minimal “added vitamins & mineral.” But in a different aspect do we as individuals need to consume so much sugar?

Do you really have to have it or are you actually CRAVING it?
How do we go about finding healthy ways to both enjoy the "Desserts" of life, while still working to improve our health and wellness “responsibly?”

We now have the scientific evidence to believe that some of these “ingredients” are actually causing chemical reactions within the brain much like many of illegal street drugs. Much because it helps the brain release feel-good chemicals. Which of course we all want to feel good. However, this is a fleeting feeling much like riding the waves. This is why eating in a balanced way that is a more sustainable feel good, without the crash and fatigue some may feel.  Instead of eating for the benefits it gives to our body we are eating to feel good in our brains, which from the current trends have shown to be a slippery slope.

These ingredients are now included in most packaged foods. Involved during the preparation making it a no brainer to just pick it up and eat it. Not everyone is walking around thinking “dang, I wonder what this food I’m eating is made of.” But maybe that is a change we all need to be aware of. 

Most of the commonly purchased chips, drinks, packaged foods that line our grocery store have ingredients that should only be eaten in moderation. It takes us knowing that fact and training ourselves to be cautious and mindful of our eating habits.  

We have allowed this to take place right under our noses and enjoyed ever sweet processed moment but it’s time for a CHANGE! We have trained our minds to not worry about it and eat it, and now it has started to make a significant impact on our growth and development. 

Many packaged, processed foods products are known to contain ingredients that should only be eaten in small quantities. Time has being to show the effects these products have if consumed in high quantities over time. This seemingly small addition to eating habits worldwide are changing the health status of people. Which is not as much of the problem is the fact that we choose not to be mindful of the amounts we ingest. Or maybe even if we found better quality products and began making them the most popular and reasonably priced option? How do we achieve this?

Yes, you can have your cake and eat it too. 

It's not that we shouldn’t ever eat it..(even though that's probably true ;) just be more aware of how much we are taking in on a daily. See more on the post () <----Found here

Could these ingredients play a role in leading causes of death in our country today, which happen to be linked to dietary habits?

The Great Sugar Rankings


Overconsumption of these products is fueling us into being overweight, tired and craving more. A vicious cycle that unless mindful of, can lead to long terms problems.

We have the right to choose and the choice has to be ours and ours alone.

This is our recovery. This is the first step or the hundredth. This is one more bite of information to increase the aspects of our wellness. 
This is our INTERVENTION. Let’s get it!

Together in Health,

Gone Fishing! | Nourish


Are these Healthy Fats a key to lower cholesterol and  helping to relieve many other health ailments?

Researcher are suggesting that this may be a huge breakthrough in many health concerns most of America suffers from today.

Are you and your family getting enough?

"Pour some sugar on me" wait, no. seriously don't. | Enlighten

Excessive Consumption of Dietary Sugar

 This time last year I forced myself on a journey. No Sugar for 40 days..  Well, here we are again and now the whole family wants to join :) You can read my previous blog about it here --> #NOSugar Daze

To say it was easy is probably the understatement of the year.

Yet, to ignore the fact that most of us need this in our lives now more than ever would be insanity.

Currently, disease is taking over the health of people from all over the world. America, even though one of the most financially secure countries is still plagued with death and disease much as one would think a third world country would have. These diseases do not focus on race, gender, or age.

It seems in a time when humans are more developed than ever, their health status is worse. 

Improving Maternal, Infant, and Child Health Statistics through Health and Nutrition Education | Enlighten

        Improving Maternal, Infant, and child health

Maternal, Infant, and child health statistics are important for any community because of the direct indicator of the effectiveness of the disease prevention and health promotion services. Currently the United States is trying to lower maternal and infant mortality rates. It is common knowledge that unintended pregnancies, late or no prenatal care, poor maternal and child nutrition, maternal drug use, poverty, limited education, and insufficient childcare combined with an inability to access health care services are precursors for these high rates (McKenzie, Pinger, 2015).

We are now aware that many of the risk factors can be prevented or reduced by early interventions of educational programs and preventative medical services.

It is important for communities to provide a positive environment that supports and nurtures the emotional and physical needs of the family and helps to reduce the need for costly medical and social assistance to these members of society now and at later stages in life.


 A Healthy Start; The Importance of Nutrition Before, During, and After Pregnancy


   Since the beginning of mankind one thing, one miracle has always been the center of our attention.... the birth of new life.

This one occurrence is a leading factor in helping our existence flourish.

Although no scientific evidence has been deemed to show this true, yet. Two common assumption have been stamped into our minds associated with pregnancies.

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